Volunteer Jonas Müller, Germany, Büchold
Jonas is 17 years old and wanted to work as a volunteer after finishing middle school. In late May 2014, he learns about Sabine Valentin's plans to return to Ghana. He spontaneously decides to join her. He makes a call for donations and involves his teachers. He manages to raise a respectable amount of 500 euros at his secondary school in Arnstein and takes the money to Ghana. In addition, he brings many non-financial donations such as squared exercise books, English books, water colors, wax crayons and colored pencils.
Once arrived in Langbinsi, Jonas takes advantage of his manual skills and builds a shelf (according to the headmaster of the school, the most beautiful one he has ever seen!) as the cornerstone for the school's future library. Also, he repairs broken desks and supports the construction of a wall around the school campus.
Jonas: "I would make another trip to Ghana and to Midnight Sun School any time. Thank you to all donors from Arnstein and the region! The stay was an enriching experience for me."