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What progress has been made at Midnight Sun International School in 2017? From my last visit to Ghana in October / November 2017, I have brought many pictures and stories that I will publish them in 2018 on our website


Class Room Junior High 2

This new classroom was built for junior high school (2), eighth grade. Lessons have been held here since September 2017. The coming classes have more children, so this classroom has been designed to teach forty children well. At the moment this room is also used for larger events of the school, such as a quiz in which the best of the class compete against each other. In 2018, we will be concreting the floor in this classroom, using windows and doors, and plastering the building from the outside. It is also planned to build a teacher's room.
We need a new classroom by September 2018. For the complete construction incl. Roof, doors and windows we expect a cost of 3.000 Euro. 

Junior High School von aussen








This year we produced 33 of these single school benches. We still need 20 more benches for the kindergarten and 20 school benches for the elementary school. A bank costs 15 euros.

Schulbänke Junior High bei einer Gruppenarbeit







In primary school, there are still children sitting in threes on a bench built for two children.

Schulbank Grundschule mit drei Kindern








At the moment high school graduates teach the children of the school. Since this school year, the association has been providing basic education to three young adults as primary school teachers and for junior high school. This training is conducted as distance education by the University of Cape Coast, lasts for three years and takes place at the weekend. So the three future teachers can teach at the school during the week and study at the weekend. After completing the training, they were obliged to teach at the school for another four years. The training costs amount to 500 Euro / year. We are still looking for more supporters for this education project because the better the teachers of the school are trained, the better the quality of the lesson. It also reduces the turnover of teachers. Of the thirteen teachers currently teaching, there are three trained teachers.


The school management Lamisi Yerrow has started this year with the Bachelor. Again, this is a three-year "distance education" from the University of Cape Coast. The tuition fee is 1,100 euros / year.





In December 2016, the starting signal was given for a sponsorship program.
Mathilda made the difference. I know this intelligent girl
many years and I was told on my last stay,
that she is now at home and working in the field, as the parents
can no longer afford the school fee. After consultation with the parents
and the girl realized that the desire to continue learning is very great
and since then the association has been paying the school fee. Your parents are like that
Thankful that this time she gave me a live hen goodbye
to have. Mathilda is part of the theater group and later wants to become a teacher herself

At present the school fee for 60 children is taken over by the Förderverein.

The sponsorships are composed as follows:
5.00 Euro / month for the school fee
1.67 euros / month for two school uniforms / year
8,00 Euro / month for the school lunch

Thus, a "full" sponsorship is 14.67 euros a month or 176 euros a year.
The school fee incl. School uniforms 6,67 Euro / month or 80 Euro / year.

In 2017, the five-euro school uniforms were included. We have changed this for 2018. Existing sponsors / sponsorships can change your standing orders or continue to make your contribution by paying the school fee.

The takeover of the school lunch is a new project, which we started in December 2017. Twelve children are already benefiting from this in the meantime. I will report in detail soon.

By the end of January, all sponsors will receive a current picture of their protégé including a small report.

At the moment we are still looking for supporters for another 30 children.

Fuseini, one of the godchildren is very excited that he is allowed to draw with donated pencils in class

Fusseini Adam







WATER for all 405 children

At the moment, every day, three big tons of water are being used with one
Donkey carts delivered to the school. Very few children are getting over
Home to something to drink with to school. At temperatures of 30 degrees
and more, the consumption is immense. At the moment there is a small fountain
on the site, which in the dry season only enough water leads to
to cook with it.

Well drilling has the highest priority for 2018. The well incl. Pump and Polytank will cost 2000 euros.


Many thanks to the agency LuckyU for the creation of the new flyers and our stationery. The flyers can now be used in Ghana and in Germany. In Ghana we founded the association "Midnight Sun Foundation" in 2016. So Ghanaian people have the opportunity to support the Midnight Sun International School.

If you want to distribute flyers for friends and acquaintances, please contact me.

Tell your friends and relatives about your commitment to the Midnight Sun School. Your
Support makes a big difference to many children in Langbinsi.

Du machst den Unterschied

Please tell me your email address, so that I can send you information in this way in the future. I plan to give lectures again in 2018 in Munich and in Sulzdorf near Giebelstadt. The dates I still share.

There is still much to report. The children and the Midnight Sun School are very close to my heart. Now we can look back on six years together. Hard to believe, if you look at the pictures of the beginnings. I'm fully employed, so you do not hear and read from me that often. But you can be sure that your help will arrive directly and 100 percent.

Thank you for your support on behalf of students from Midnight Sun International School in Langbinsi / Ghana.

Sabine Valentin





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